Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Of sycophants and zealots

We have been asked many strange questions since our last post in reply to Dr Sim's "At the heart of the matter", mostly by people who did not bother to read our post in entirety, or might have a bit of issues with comprehension.

Or worse, these could very well be sycophants and zealots who worship the candidate blindly and forgot what's at the heart of the issue (ironic, isn't it?).

They said that we are targeting Dr Sim personally.

They screamed that we wrote about Dr Sim being corrupted.

And lastly, they said we are not giving Dr Sim a chance.

Well, we hope this short entry will help clarify matters.

Firstly, we have never, not once, targeted anyone personally. We may speak about stands, ideas, political views, parties, policies and whatnots, but never a personal attack about anybody. It is against BNMustGo's own policy from Day 1, and we will not break that rule.

(to the sycophants, shooting at someone personally means you talk about their extramarital affairs, talk about how they are cheaters or lairs, gossip about how much he/she is lacking in sexual prowess, or any of those personal stuffs. We do not condone such things)

Secondly, we never said Dr Sim is corrupted. On the contrary, we stated, quite a few times, via blogs, Facebook and Twitter accounts that he is a good man, just wrong party.

(to the sycophants, asking somebody about his VIEW on corruption - against or for, is NOT the same as saying the person is corrupted. We want to know more about our candidate, so we ask him to state his stand)

We are giving him a chance, and we care about everybody in Pending, Kuching and Sarawak. That's why we gave him a chance to answer the questions the voters have about their candidates. Is he honest? Is he a good man? Will he fight against wrong doings? How can he fight? What's his view on the land being grabbed?

(That's a close as we can get to give chance to a candidate to explain himself before an election, yes?)

We appreciate genuine, intellectual debates. That's very healthy in a democracy, and it shows that we are all growing up and maturing as citizens.

But once you crossed the line into blind support, sycophancy behaviors, zealotry and religious worshiping, we are not going to drop into that kind of level to debate with you anymore. Please note that how you behave will reflect to others on your favorite candidate (as they say, birds of a feather flock together), so if you truly want to help him/her, please be intelligent about your statements.

1 comment:

  1. Its really dissapointing, i tot i ask him the questions again because I tot Dr Sim got the potential and different from other BN candidate. I also might support him. But when I ask him the same question tat similar to what rakyatsheart asked him, he deleted my question on his facebook page. Dissapointing, something is behind this I'm pretty sure.
